Buy a Scrunchie, Educate a Child

 In a world that demands much from its dwellers, we invite you to make a heartwarming choice with our “Scrunchies for Change” campaign. At Impact Space, we’re passionately committed to enriching the lives of over 1000 children facing unimaginable challenges, including orphans, those with disabilities, abandoned children, and children affected by HIV in seven African countries.


Our vibrant, eco-friendly scrunchies, priced at $19.95 each, aren’t just stylish accessories; they’re potent symbols of kindness and hope.

Scrunchies: More Than Just Hair Ties.

Forget the ordinary. Our scrunchies are vibrant symbols of hope and support.

We’ve combined bold, colorful designs (inspired by the resilience of the children we help!) with a powerful purpose: funding education for underprivileged children. Every scrunchie you wear isn’t just a fashion statement, it’s a statement of solidarity with these amazing kids.


Eco-Friendly and Ethical

Crafted from recycled materials, our scrunchies help minimize our environmental footprint while promoting sustainable fashion. We uphold ethical production practices, ensuring fair wages and safe conditions for all our artisans.

A Commitment to Educate
Each scrunchie sold directly funds educational programs for these vulnerable children. These programs provide essential tools and opportunities, laying the groundwork for their success and brighter futures.

Impact Beyond Education

Our volunteers journey to orphanages across ten key regions in Africa: Accra, Ghana; Lagos, Abuja, and Calabar, Nigeria; Nairobi, Kenya; Monrovia, Liberia; Freetown, Sierra Leone; Kampala and Western Uganda; and Harare, Zimbabwe. These missions transcend traditional educational boundaries. We establish meaningful connections with over 1,000 vulnerable children annually, including orphans, those with disabilities, abandoned children, and children affected by HIV. Our team dedicates itself to empowering these young minds, nurturing their potential, and equipping them with the necessary skills and hope to create brighter futures. Through these efforts, we transform lives, one child at a time.

Program Highlights:

  • Vibrant Designs: Each scrunchie is designed to stand out, perfect for any occasion. ($19.95)
  • Eco-Conscious Materials: Our scrunchies are made from recycled and sustainable fabrics, caring for your hair and the planet.
  • Direct Impact: Proceeds go directly towards educational programs in seven African countries, making your purchase a significant force for change for over 1000 children.
  • Heartfelt Connection: By choosing a scrunchie, you are not just buying a product; you are weaving your story with the stories of children who need your empathy and support.

Join Us in Making a Difference:

Embrace the “Scrunchies for Change” campaign by purchasing a scrunchie and sharing our mission. Your involvement goes beyond a simple transaction—it’s an act of profound empathy and compassion.

Be Bold, Be Kind, Educate a Child.

Thank you for standing with us and the children whose lives you are helping to transform. Together, let’s nurture dreams and create lasting change—one scrunchie at a time.